Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Jessica Alba’s Mommy Eyes

She is undoubtedly one of the cutest moms-to-be Hollywood could ever flaunt but Jessica Alba is not letting all the hype surrounding her pregnancy get to her. She still steps out dressed comfortably doing all the normal things a mom does (shop, watch Supernanny with Jo Frost, look pregnant and pretty, etc.).

However, she does feel the stress at times. In an interview for this month’s Fit Pregnancy she relates that her eyes glaze over with exhaustion by the time she is done with the day. With her pregnancy date looming closer, Alba’s situation is understandable.

While Jessica doesn’t rule out having cosmetic surgery to get back in shape after pregnancy, she has so far, surprisingly stayed away from the plastic surgeon’s knife. Unlike many of her contemporaries that is.

This 27-year-old actress has beautiful eyes though. If you have looked closely, they have a soft, sleepy look about them but are yet wide-set making for an interesting combination.

An eyelid surgery to get Jessica’s dreamy eyes would require work done mainly on the upper eyelid. Skilled plastic surgeons can arrange the muscles in the upper eyes to create a unique look like Alba.

The results may not be exact, but that is mainly because of the difference in facial structure. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we can help you get your eyelids altered to give you a new look with a blepharoplasty procedure.

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