Saturday, May 31, 2008

Laser Your Eyelid With Care

Laser beams have to be administered in a highly controlled manner and environment when applied for cosmetic surgery purposes. This is something that an Australian plastic surgeon failed to consider though and is now facing charges from patients whose surgeries are believed to have been botched.

Eyelid surgery traditionally involves plastic surgery performed in the upper eyelid and lower eyelid of a patient. This surgery leaves scars nonetheless and can be expensive depending on the procedure you opt for.

Laser blepharoplasty on the other hand involves eyelid rejuvenation sans scars and yields results similar to a traditional blepharoplasty. But make sure you have selected a cosmetic surgeon who understands your needs unlike the doctor mentioned above.

In a laser eyelid surgery treatment, plastic surgeons generally put the patient under a general anesthetic. It is not a completely noninvasive procedure though as the laser device is used to make a cut in the upper eyelid. Fat and droopy skin is discarded from this area.

Similarly in the lower eyelid, a barely evident incision is made on the inside of the eyelid and the excess eye bag causing fat is removed. The laser device resurfaces the lower eyelid skin and pulls it tighter achieve a tauter look.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we offer laser eyelid surgery procedures. The treatments are meted out in surgical facilities that have been accredited by the AAAHC.

Friday, May 30, 2008

See Better With Gold Weight Eyelid Implants

Gold weight eyelid implants play a very reliable role in reconstructive eyelid surgery.

Used to treat paralytic lagophthalmos (a complication of facial nerve palsy), gold weight implants are steps plastic surgeons take to prevent blindness and corneal ulceration and exposure. As compared to lubricants and taping the eyelids, this blepharoplasty procedure has proved to be more effective.

Gold is the material of choice for this reconstructive plastic surgery because of its affinity to practically any skin tone. The fact that it is easy to manipulate and insert and has a high density contribute further to its reliability.

Plastic surgeons can relax the levator muscle which is responsible for lifting the eyelid from the eye using gold weight implants. Available commercially, the eyelid surgeon selects the implant weight that will be able to achieve the eyelid correction and tapes it to the upper eyelid in a trial procedure.

This preoperative procedure is standard practice and is necessary to ensure patient safety and comfort post-surgery. The actual blepharoplasty procedure is later performed under local anesthesia.

The good thing about this eyelid surgery procedure is that the gold weight implant can be removed incase of any complication (very rare) very easily. Normally, after the eyelid has resumed its normal function, the implant is removed.

The application of gold weight eyelid implants in reconstructive blepharoplasty is approved by the FDA. There are specific manufacturers of these devices however which can be trusted.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California can help you learn more about this rejuvenating eyelid surgery.

Enhance Your Eyes With Body Fat

No need to get icky.

Fat transfer techniques used in eyelid surgery procedures are quite common and have been performed by plastic surgeons successfully for years now. Also known as fat grafting or free fat transfer, this cosmetic surgery technique is splendid for dispelling under-eye hollows.

A lot of men like this procedure as it involves minimum fuss and takes a bit of the load off from the beer belly (a small amount is enough to feel lighter).

This eyelid surgery procedure presents the plastic surgery candidate with a wonderful way to develop volume in the under-eye area using fat cells from their own bodies. Transferred fat can be replaced very easily and accumulates every time the procedure is performed.

Yes, you will need a repeat surgery if you want to maintain the look, but the good thing is the effects last for about three years. On the downside, some patient bodies retain the facial fat for only three months so you will need to talk with your cosmetic surgeon about how this blepharoplasty procedure will benefit you.

What you have to remember about using fat from your own body in your eyelid area is that it makes you less susceptible to infections and allergies. Often with collagen or Botox patients are known to experience adverse effects.

Get an appointment with the Plastic Surgery Institute of California to know more about this blepharoplasty technique.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

It’s All In The Eyes…

To their credit plastic surgeons keep droning on about this fundamental fact.

The latest edition of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery journal of the ASPS though, just bought the message home for us.

Strangely enough, the study found that certain simulated eyelid surgery effects which are supposed to give the impression of alertness and youth held the same impact as a tired, sad or a happy face.

But what the study also points out is that the degree of plastic surgery work performed on the eyelid surgery candidate needs to be very controlled especially when modification of the eyebrows is also involved.

The positioning of the eyebrows is a tremendous influence on how the opposite person perceives the mood of the eyelid surgery patient. Viewers were presented with simulated eyebrow lift effects and were found to have increased their ratings when the brows were lowered or pulled towards the nose. Anger and disgust were the main perceptions derived by the onlookers.

One of the good things about this study is the amount of control it exhorts the plastic surgeon to take when performing a blepharoplasty. There really is no need of going for a dynamic modification of any of your eyelids as a more natural result will be possible now with careful trimming.

Understand more at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Eyelid Surgery Satisfaction

The good thing about any cosmetic surgery for the facial area is that the effects are noticed the first time someone looks at you. The bad thing about such surgeries is that if the cosmetic surgery gets botched for some reason or another, it’s still going to be the first thing someone notices.

Its one thing to be displeased with any unavoidable results of an eyelid surgery, and quite another to be unhappy because the surgery results didn’t go as planned. It plainly shows that the patient either had unrealistic expectations or was simply not prepared well for the surgery.

Richard Goode, professor of otolaryngology at Stanford University, advises plastic surgeons in his article for a facial surgery journal saying that plastic surgeons can deal with disgruntled cosmetic surgery patients by simply not operating on them.

Nonetheless, in order for an eyelid surgeon to do this the surgeon needs to identify which patients can be avoided. This is where the consultation process comes in.

The initial consultation which patients have for a blepharoplasty procedure is something of an ice-breaker for the doctor and the patient. The expectations of the patients from the eyelid surgery procedure, the surgeon’s suggestions, the technicalities and potential complications that may arise, etc. are analyzed during this process.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we understand this vital step and provide you with the best eyelid surgery specialists and surgeons to help you out.

Models And The Things They Do To Look Even Better

You won’t come across a more eccentric group of people then your regular high-flying model. When it comes to trends, they are the poster-boys and girls for the latest one and thanks to their social immunity they are allowed to get away with anything and everything.

So when Whitney Thompson turned the tables on the skinny model stereotype and won America’s Next Top Model, she got tongues wagging and when Naomi Campbell stuck on false eyelashes she started a trend. And everybody knows Agyness Deyn’s Kate Moss-like similarity- they are practically sisters in terms of glamor and individuality.

But it always comes as a surprise when models resort to plastic surgery procedures like face lift surgery or eyelid surgery or even liposuction. I mean, isn’t the whole point of modeling supposed to be wonderfully glam and naturally fab-looking? Agents don’t usually pick out models that are bad-looking or plain.

So when Alex Girdwood a contestant competing for Australia’s Next Top Model title went and had lip augmentation she was instantly derided for her attitude towards her body.

Has the pressure to look good gotten hold of models as well? And more importantly, what kind of a message are they sending out to cosmetic surgery sensitive teens out there, many of whom aspire for a career in the beauty business?

Get your views across to the Plastic Surgery Institute of California- an advanced surgical institute for eyelid surgery and other cosmetic surgery procedures.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Eyelid Surgery For An Augmented Kelly Rowland

Kelly Rowland recently gave an interview where she spoke about her belated breast implants and her mom’s clever way of handling teenage Kelly’s cosmetic surgery dreams.

When she was seventeen-years-old Kelly apparently wanted a breast augmentation to get her A-cups enlarged to B-cups. But mommy emphatically said a no and told her to wait till she got older and stopped developing.

The result was a Kelly who waited till she filled in properly and then just worked on the places that didn’t. But did she have plastic surgery done in more than one place?

Her eyes look different in her more recent pictures and are decidedly smaller in size. She could have had a blepharoplasty to get eyes that look smaller then the doe-eyed ones she had earlier.

This eyelid surgery procedure works like a reverse Asian blepharoplasty and instead of adding a crease to the upper eyelid it restructures the eyelid muscles and reduces them at specific points. The plastic surgeon can accordingly make the patient’s eyes appear smaller and more cat-like (if the patient wishes).

Incidentally, very few patients of African-American ethnicity go in for an eyelid surgery to get smaller eyes unless there are corrections of any kind involved. Most of them prefer to preserve their ethnic characteristics or simply enhance them.

But if you are confused about what eyelid surgery procedure is good for you, you can drop by the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for a thorough consultation.

An Overenthusiastic Approach To Eyelid Surgery : Results

The great thing about eyelid surgery is the way in which the eyes are supposed to look alert and make you look younger, etc.

So why hasn’t it worked for Donatella?

Accepted that her look at Maddona’s movie premier for her documentary on Malawi was a complete albeit pleasant surprise, but the face spoils it all.

One of the many plastic surgery jobs she is said to have had done on her face is an eyelid surgery. But in itself, Donatella’s blepharoplasty doesn’t look all that bad.

What makes it look bad is the accompanying face surgeries she is believed to have had. Her collagen heavy lips and enhanced nose give the viewer the impression that the plastic surgeon distributed his attention rather haphazardly to her face.

If eyelid surgery becomes part of a face lift surgery procedure, then you better make sure that you have a doctor who understands the dynamics of the human face properly performing on your face. The various features that need to be restructured or altered during a composite plastic surgery procedure have to be done so only by an expert.

Indeed, an expert cosmetic surgeon is the best person to trust to get the job done right.

From the looks of Donatella’s overdone face, the cause of her jumbled features is either a plastic surgeon who doesn’t know his job properly or an overenthusiastic Donatella who decided to go all out!

For a much better eyelid surgery job get in touch with the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Nicole And Her Controversial Face

She is still one of my favorite actors and no amount of catty gossip about her can lessen my admiration for this Australian beauty.

Nicole Kidman, currently pregnant and extremely radiant mommy-to-be has been time and again faced a lot of flak about plastic surgery work done to her face. Everything from Botox to eyelid surgery and a face lift have been hinted at by various groups at various times.

While the exasperating thing is Nicole has refrained from confirming any rumor, the likelihood of her having had cosmetic surgery cannot be dismissed.

The brow lift, generally an eyelid surgery accompaniment, can be acquired non-invasively by using injectables like Botox. However, some cases of Botox administration in the brow area can leave the person with a phenomenon called a ‘Botox brow’.

A Botox brow lends an unnatural arch to the brow line lifting it higher than the middle part of the brow. If you have noticed some of Nicole Kidman’s pictures closely you can see this. Sexy housewives, Teri Hatcher and Marcia Cross also have sported this occurrence time and again.

To avoid the Botox brow select a plastic surgeon skilled at eyelid surgery procedures like a brow lift or a trained cosmetologist who is certified to administer Botox. A Botox brow can make your face look rather static.

Thankfully for Nicole, pregnancy has softened her looks considerably.

For blepharoplasty procedures in Beverly Hills get in touch with the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

You Don’t Need To Live With Amblyopia

Who would have thought that Leanne Nagle was an awkward kid with an awkward-er face and today has been selected as a contestant competing for Britain’s Next Top Model?

Sleek brunette locks frame Leanne’s creamy face, from which peer out two ash-grey eyes, one of which was affected by a condition called lazy eye. A lazy eye or amblyopia is an eye condition that is found occurring in children due to a number of different reasons.

Some common reasons for amblyopia are strabismus (strabismic amblyopia) which makes the person with the condition squint, anisometropic amblyopia, ametropic amblyopia and stimulus deprivation amblyopia. These conditions in turn are caused by other factors.

The best way to treat amblyopia is by making the child wear a patch on the good eye or using vision therapy to cure the affected eye. Certain eye drops can also help the effected eye.

If amblyopia is caused by a squint or due to a cataract, then eye surgery is required. An eyelid surgery on the other hand, will not be of much help and will only be useful if the upper eyelid of the person is causing the eye to close unnaturally.

For further blepharoplasty information visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Jessica Alba’s Mommy Eyes

She is undoubtedly one of the cutest moms-to-be Hollywood could ever flaunt but Jessica Alba is not letting all the hype surrounding her pregnancy get to her. She still steps out dressed comfortably doing all the normal things a mom does (shop, watch Supernanny with Jo Frost, look pregnant and pretty, etc.).

However, she does feel the stress at times. In an interview for this month’s Fit Pregnancy she relates that her eyes glaze over with exhaustion by the time she is done with the day. With her pregnancy date looming closer, Alba’s situation is understandable.

While Jessica doesn’t rule out having cosmetic surgery to get back in shape after pregnancy, she has so far, surprisingly stayed away from the plastic surgeon’s knife. Unlike many of her contemporaries that is.

This 27-year-old actress has beautiful eyes though. If you have looked closely, they have a soft, sleepy look about them but are yet wide-set making for an interesting combination.

An eyelid surgery to get Jessica’s dreamy eyes would require work done mainly on the upper eyelid. Skilled plastic surgeons can arrange the muscles in the upper eyes to create a unique look like Alba.

The results may not be exact, but that is mainly because of the difference in facial structure. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we can help you get your eyelids altered to give you a new look with a blepharoplasty procedure.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Eyelid Burns – What To Do About Them

Did you know- around 15-20 percent of burns involving the face include damage to one eye at least? A chemical eyelid burn is especially to be feared as it could cause permanent damage to the lid tissue which even eyelid surgery cannot correct.

When a chemical burn penetrates beyond the cornea conditions like cataract and glaucoma are known to develop. Fire accounts for most of the accidents involving the eyelids though and prolonged exposure to the source of heat might very well completely burn out the eyelid skin.

Eyelid surgery using corrective techniques is one of the best solutions for treating burns that leave the outer area of the eye damaged. Sometimes plastic surgeons may be required to perform additional plastic surgery procedures like forehead flaps, nose surgery, facial skin grafting and dermabrasion procedures.

The first thing you have to remember when you are considering plastic surgery to treat eyelid burns is to make sure your plastic surgeon is experienced with reconstructive eyelid surgery. Such an expert is better equipped to deal with blepharoplasty surgery in an emergency.

Recovery may involve a difficult and painful process for the patient and it is best to stay in constant touch with the cosmetic surgeon during this period.

For advanced blepharoplasty treatment, contact the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Eyelid Surgery For The Christina Ricci Look

Her eyes brought the deadpan Wednesday Addams’ character to life in The Addams Family and made her a children’s favorite. Ever since then Christina Ricci has effortlessly managed to portray a gamut of characters that are distinguished for surrealistic and stark humanity.

Ricci’s eyes dominate her face and frequently dominate the characters she plays as well. In The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, she was the girl-child Katrina who radiated a quiet innocence cloaked in intelligence. Her role of a deranged nymphomaniac in Black Snake Moan added plausibility to the role.

So what does it take to get Christina Ricci’s look?

For one, you have to be as amazing an actress as she is. But since that’s not really possible as she is quite the paragon, you can think of a plastic surgery procedure like eyelid surgery.

An Asian blepharoplasty in particular, is able to sculpt the lower and upper eyelid of a patient to create wide set eyes. Individuals of Asian ethnicity generally are the ones who undergo this eyelid surgery procedure for a face that looks more Western or Occidental.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California skilled plastic surgeons perform special blepharoplasty procedures for those who want to change their eyelid structure without losing out on the appeal of their face.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Have You Got Your Eyelid Surgery Questionnaire Sorted?:

Consultation is one of the most important preliminary steps that an eyelid surgery candidate needs to take. During the consultation process, the patient and plastic surgeon are presented with an opportunity to get to know the surgery details better.

For a potential blepharoplasty patient, this is the chance to ask the eyelid surgeon questions pertaining to his experience as a surgeon, his certification, the accreditation of the facility where the surgery will be conducted, etc.

From the point of view of the plastic surgeons, an eyelid surgery patient can expect questions pertaining to the medical history and motivations for the surgery. Lifestyle habits are another area that plastic surgeons pay attention to.

For best results, ask the eyelid surgery specialist to show you before and after pictures of past patients to get a better idea about what to expect. Once the plastic surgeon has deduced the extent of work required on the eyelid area, he will give you an impression of the results expected after the surgery.

After this, the patient can discuss the costs and estimates of the eyelid surgery and understand the complications (if any) involved in the surgery. This consultation process gives a better idea about the blepharoplasty procedure and helps the candidate to understand the cosmetic surgery procedure better.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California can help you out with consultation services and procedures for eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills and elsewhere in California.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Eyelid Surgery Restrictions – Break Away:

A couple of years back, Dove conducted a study in the Middle East as part of its global Campaign for Real Beauty. The results that came out left me bemused about how much (very high) these women who live behind a veil value and view personal beauty.

The study discovered that wearing a post-surgery dressing after a plastic surgery procedure is considered to be something of a status symbol among the residents of this part of the world. At least 9 out of 10 Arab women expressed unhappiness with their appearance.

Thirty seven percent Arab girls (aged 15-17) admitted that they were likely to consider cosmetic surgery in the near future. Arab women in the spotlight like Haifa Wehbe and Nancy Ajram, a Lebanese singer are held to be examples of modern freethinking women and unapologetic proponents of plastic surgery.

Among the wide gamut of cosmetic surgery procedures demanded by women from this part of the world, eyelid surgery was reported to be one of the more popular surgeries. What do you think could be the reason for this?

As is common knowledge, the abaya- a caftan-like dress worn by Arab women, covers their body and leaves only the eyes uncovered or partially covered. It is understandable then that these women would wish to make their eyes as attractive as could be possible. If a blepharoplasty surgery can accomplish this feminine wish than small wonder it is popular.

What do you think? Is this a good reason to have an eyelid surgery procedure? The Plastic Surgery Institute of California would love to know.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Brow Lifts For Ashley Simpson:

Ashley Simpson seems to be constantly beset with rumors. For a 23 year-old living the high life in tinsel town spotlights, this should not come as too much of a surprise.

The latest gossip about the younger Simpson sibling is about her potential pregnancy which she isn’t really helping by taking a nonchalant stance. But I wont be surprised if she is actually pregnant with boyfriend Pete Wentz’ child.

Look at how she deals with rumors: Ashley usually ends up proving them to be true. Simpson’s nose surgery for instance was denied repeatedly and then her dad went ahead and spilled the beans on that.

Then was her engagement to Pete Wentz which went down a similar path and is simply beckoning for the pregnancy rumor to turn out to be true.

But I’m waiting for the brow lift surgery rumor that also surfaced a few years back along with more plastic surgery claims. Indeed, she has transformed herself from the rebellious younger sister to a grown-up looking pop star quite smoothly.

Making it to the No.18 spot on the Maxim Hot 100 List shouldn’t be too tough if you have some cosmetic surgery help along the way though. We already know that Ashley has had some help on her nose with a rhinoplasty. Now when is she going to come clean on an eyelid surgery accompaniment like brow lift surgery?

What do you think? Did she have one or did she not? The Plastic Surgery Institute of California would love to know.

Blepharitis After Your Eyelid Surgery? Take Care:

Before you enter cosmetic treatment for your eyelids, your eyelid surgeon will prescribe you an antibiotic which safeguards against any eye infection that could be contracted post-surgery.

A very common eye infection- blepharitis, is known to attack eyelid surgery patients who have either not followed the surgeon’s instructions or do not have a competent doctor taking care of them.

Also known as anterior blepharitis, this potential eyelid surgery infection is caused due to an attack from the staphylococcus bacteria. The infection affects the area in front of the eyelids where the eyelashes emerge. Scalp dandruff, as strange as it sounds, is also another cause of blepharitis.

The bad part about blepharitis is that the condition is chronic, which means there is no known cure that will take care of it completely. Eyelid surgery patients are advised to ensure that they maintain proper hygiene in the eye region before they think about a blepharoplasty procedure.

Warm compresses to loosen the crusts, regular scrubbing with cotton, water and baby shampoo and careful eye hygiene have to be considered for this eye infection. They are known to minimize discomfort. If the severity of the problem does increase, it’s best to consult your ophthalmologist or plastic surgeon.

Get more cosmetic eyelid surgery help from the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

New Eyelid Surgery Trend – Preserve Your Ethnic Eyes:

Yep… that’s right. No more imitating thy neighbor. The latest trends in eyelid surgery in the U.S. say that maintaining your ethnicity is the best way to look great.

Doctors are finding a slash in the number of men and women who are asking for eyes that don’t conform to their ethnic makeup. Instead, plastic surgery patients are opting for looks that enhance their inherent eye shape.

This should come as good news for those minority parents who hear pleas from their kids wanting to fit in with the Caucasian crowd at college or work. While PSI doesn’t recommend parents actually working hard to pander to their underage son or daughter’s eyelid surgery wishes, this trend is certainly a step in the right direction.

Last year there were around 4,402 patients in the 20-29 age bracket who had an eyelid surgery. While the reasons for this cosmetic surgery procedure can range from a corrective eyelid surgery to a cosmetic blepharoplasty, there is a certain percentage that does opt for a procedure like Asian blepharoplasty.

Increased ethnic awareness and pride may be one of the main reasons why these trends are beginning to surface. The Plastic Surgery Institute of California certainly applauds this revert to ethnic roots as a positive sign and looks forward hearing what exactly you have to say about it.

We can help you out with exclusive treatments and procedures for eyelid surgery in Newport Beach and California at our advanced surgical institute.

From Old Bag To Prez Hopeful Thanks To Plastic Surgery (?):

Sen. Hillary Clinton, as a potential president is under constant scrutiny by the nation and the world at large. But that’s nothing new- she had been under a close watch even when she was the wife of former president Bill Clinton.

The difference between first lady and presidential candidate though, I’d like to point out, is that while the former was conveniently ignored, the latter incites avid interest. And as a public figure in the spotlight, Hillary has taken amazing steps to come across as more youthful to the constituency.

Once upon a time her face was beset with all the signs of ageing- wrinkles, sagging skin, a dull complexion, baggy eyes, a wattle-neck- in short, she had it real bad. Then came the style resurrection (look at picture) where she did a 360 degree turnaround in my opinion and went all hip.

I’m sure (and so are many plastic surgeons) that she had an eyelid surgery to get rid of the bags and the droopy upper lids. The blepharoplasty procedure was most probably accompanied by some laser treatments and chemical peels.

But before she got her skin worked upon, it is speculated that she got a face lift surgery and a neck lift as well which conveniently took care of all those folds. The effects of the eyelid surgery and the rest of the cosmetic surgery procedures are today splashed on our TV screens and newspapers and quietly marveled over.

But I shall be truly convinced of her drive for change when she gets her administration skills equal to or better than her style sense. Now that would be a job well done!

Get help on eyelid surgery in Pasadena and California at our advanced surgical institute, the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

George Clooney’s Eyes – Wouldn’t You Love To Drown In Them!:

Not everybody gets to turn 47 with so much pizazz and added helpings of goodwill from dear friends. George Clooney who celebrated his birthday yesterday is lucky that way.

A permanent fixture on any Hot/Beautiful People list, this salt and pepper actor has got dollops of charm that smoothly layers everybody Clooney meets. So he had John Mayer and Fergie singing him sweet nothings at the Costume Institute Gala last week, his very own birthday party Armani-style (the designer himself threw it) at Bungalow 8 and then a romantic dinner from his girlfriend Sarah Larson.

Birthday wishes for the perfect man and his perfect life (may the happiness continue)!

But did you know that Clooney owes his dishy looks to some help from plastic surgery? In an interview with his pal Julia Roberts last year he admitted to having an eyelid surgery performed on his eyes. George had at that time mentioned that it was the biggest change in his life.

The star justified his cosmetic eyelid surgery saying, "I think it's important to look awake." Indeed, one of the main reasons why individuals opt for a cosmetic blepharoplasty procedure- to look more alert and get wider spaced eyes.

Last pegged at 4,402, the number of people getting an eyelid surgery is on a steady rise. You can check out some of the blepharoplasty techniques we specialize in at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California. Drop by for a consultation.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Blepharoplasty Beverly Hills Style – The Kylie Look:

Wow! Two national honors from two different countries in a span of 5 months are a coup d'état for Kylie Minogue. The cultural minister for France called her ‘the uncontested queen of the dance floor’ when she presented this petite Australian singer with the Chevalier dans L'ordre des Arts et Lettres on behalf of the French government earlier in the week.

Named an Officer of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II earlier in the year, Kylie kickstarted her KYLIEX2008 tour in Paris on Tuesday night clothed in haute costumes designed by Jean Paul Gaultier.

Kylie is no doubt at the top of all things stylish as she was also honored at the Elle Style Awards in London alongside Keira Knightley. Looks like Kylie is the flavor of the year for the style brigade this year.

So how about acquiring some of Kylie’s style?

If you have a small, oval face with teeny features and are thinking of having an eyelid surgery, you can think about getting them shaped like Kylie’s eyes. Of course a lot more considerations like face bone structure, medical suitability, etc. would also go into a blepharoplasty operation.

But if the plastic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California affirm your suitability, we can shape your eyes to look like Minogue’s with an expert eyelid surgery technique.

Drop by for a consultation at our advanced surgical institute why don’t you? We can help you out.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Eyelid Surgery California To Aid Healthy Vision Month:

May is traditionally celebrated as Healthy Vision Month in the United States. While it may be passed off as just another awareness month, its value is far more important.

Consider the figures. In the workplace alone there are approximately 2,000 eye injuries that take place daily. Studies have found that every 13 minutes a sports-related injury is treated in emergency rooms across the U.S. Almost 80 million people are in the grips of potentially blinding diseases with glaucoma, cataract, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration and age-related causes as the main culprits.

In light of these problems, it is rather apt that there should be a healthy vision month for people to remember and spread awareness.

Eyelid surgery has been of considerable help when correcting problems related to the outer eye region and the area around the eye. Relying on a corrective eyelid surgery, lifestyle and age-related deformities like drooping eyes and sagging lower lids can be checked. Problems like ptosis, sty and eyelid tumors can also be remedied with a blepharoplasty.

Eye problems like glaucoma which causes the blood vessels behind the retina to grow behind the macula and subsequently leak can be treated with a laser eye surgery treatment. But the amount of people suitable for this surgery is rather miniscule.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California is a premier advanced surgical institute for the administration of eyelid surgery and corrective blepharoplasty treatments. Drop by for a detailed diagnosis and thorough checkup.