Sunday, May 11, 2008

From Old Bag To Prez Hopeful Thanks To Plastic Surgery (?):

Sen. Hillary Clinton, as a potential president is under constant scrutiny by the nation and the world at large. But that’s nothing new- she had been under a close watch even when she was the wife of former president Bill Clinton.

The difference between first lady and presidential candidate though, I’d like to point out, is that while the former was conveniently ignored, the latter incites avid interest. And as a public figure in the spotlight, Hillary has taken amazing steps to come across as more youthful to the constituency.

Once upon a time her face was beset with all the signs of ageing- wrinkles, sagging skin, a dull complexion, baggy eyes, a wattle-neck- in short, she had it real bad. Then came the style resurrection (look at picture) where she did a 360 degree turnaround in my opinion and went all hip.

I’m sure (and so are many plastic surgeons) that she had an eyelid surgery to get rid of the bags and the droopy upper lids. The blepharoplasty procedure was most probably accompanied by some laser treatments and chemical peels.

But before she got her skin worked upon, it is speculated that she got a face lift surgery and a neck lift as well which conveniently took care of all those folds. The effects of the eyelid surgery and the rest of the cosmetic surgery procedures are today splashed on our TV screens and newspapers and quietly marveled over.

But I shall be truly convinced of her drive for change when she gets her administration skills equal to or better than her style sense. Now that would be a job well done!

Get help on eyelid surgery in Pasadena and California at our advanced surgical institute, the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

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