Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Eyelid Surgery Satisfaction

The good thing about any cosmetic surgery for the facial area is that the effects are noticed the first time someone looks at you. The bad thing about such surgeries is that if the cosmetic surgery gets botched for some reason or another, it’s still going to be the first thing someone notices.

Its one thing to be displeased with any unavoidable results of an eyelid surgery, and quite another to be unhappy because the surgery results didn’t go as planned. It plainly shows that the patient either had unrealistic expectations or was simply not prepared well for the surgery.

Richard Goode, professor of otolaryngology at Stanford University, advises plastic surgeons in his article for a facial surgery journal saying that plastic surgeons can deal with disgruntled cosmetic surgery patients by simply not operating on them.

Nonetheless, in order for an eyelid surgeon to do this the surgeon needs to identify which patients can be avoided. This is where the consultation process comes in.

The initial consultation which patients have for a blepharoplasty procedure is something of an ice-breaker for the doctor and the patient. The expectations of the patients from the eyelid surgery procedure, the surgeon’s suggestions, the technicalities and potential complications that may arise, etc. are analyzed during this process.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we understand this vital step and provide you with the best eyelid surgery specialists and surgeons to help you out.

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