Sunday, May 18, 2008

Have You Got Your Eyelid Surgery Questionnaire Sorted?:

Consultation is one of the most important preliminary steps that an eyelid surgery candidate needs to take. During the consultation process, the patient and plastic surgeon are presented with an opportunity to get to know the surgery details better.

For a potential blepharoplasty patient, this is the chance to ask the eyelid surgeon questions pertaining to his experience as a surgeon, his certification, the accreditation of the facility where the surgery will be conducted, etc.

From the point of view of the plastic surgeons, an eyelid surgery patient can expect questions pertaining to the medical history and motivations for the surgery. Lifestyle habits are another area that plastic surgeons pay attention to.

For best results, ask the eyelid surgery specialist to show you before and after pictures of past patients to get a better idea about what to expect. Once the plastic surgeon has deduced the extent of work required on the eyelid area, he will give you an impression of the results expected after the surgery.

After this, the patient can discuss the costs and estimates of the eyelid surgery and understand the complications (if any) involved in the surgery. This consultation process gives a better idea about the blepharoplasty procedure and helps the candidate to understand the cosmetic surgery procedure better.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California can help you out with consultation services and procedures for eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills and elsewhere in California.

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