Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Eyelid Surgery For The Christina Ricci Look

Her eyes brought the deadpan Wednesday Addams’ character to life in The Addams Family and made her a children’s favorite. Ever since then Christina Ricci has effortlessly managed to portray a gamut of characters that are distinguished for surrealistic and stark humanity.

Ricci’s eyes dominate her face and frequently dominate the characters she plays as well. In The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, she was the girl-child Katrina who radiated a quiet innocence cloaked in intelligence. Her role of a deranged nymphomaniac in Black Snake Moan added plausibility to the role.

So what does it take to get Christina Ricci’s look?

For one, you have to be as amazing an actress as she is. But since that’s not really possible as she is quite the paragon, you can think of a plastic surgery procedure like eyelid surgery.

An Asian blepharoplasty in particular, is able to sculpt the lower and upper eyelid of a patient to create wide set eyes. Individuals of Asian ethnicity generally are the ones who undergo this eyelid surgery procedure for a face that looks more Western or Occidental.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California skilled plastic surgeons perform special blepharoplasty procedures for those who want to change their eyelid structure without losing out on the appeal of their face.

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