Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Reconstructive Eyelid Surgery:

In a reader opinion poll conducted by the digital edition of the Star Phoenix, this was what Germaine Pearl (a patient) had to say about a reconstructive eyelid surgery procedure.

"In 1976, at the age of three, I was viciously attacked by a dog who bit off a good portion of my eyelid and brow, nearly costing me the eye. As I was being rushed into hospital, a wonderful plastic surgeon was leaving at the end of his shift. He saw me and immediately followed me back into the emergency room and insisted that he do the surgery. The doctor did the operation and my eye works beautifully. There is a minor scar, but his quick and decisive action saved the function of the eyelid and brow and preserved the overall integrity of my face. Growing up without what could have been greatly disfiguring scars preserved also the integrity of my childhood."

Reconstructive eyelid surgery can be performed to correct accidental injuries and burns or even genital deformities. It all depends on the severity of the condition and the proficiency of the doctor.

The eye is a very delicate area to perform a surgery of any intensity and type. Microsurgical plastic surgery practices have made complicated surgeries like blepharoplasty much easier on the patient as well as the doctor.

If you have any doubts and questions on reconstructive eyelid surgery you can get in touch with an experienced consultant at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

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