Friday, February 29, 2008

Entropian And Its Treatment:

Age is held to be a primary cause of the eye condition called entropian. The eyelid tissues weaken with age and as a result inverts into the eyelid margin. Some cases of entropian are known to occur randomly with even young people suffering from this problem.

Entropian causes the eyelid tissue and at times the eyelashes to intrude onto the frontal surface of the eye. The antagonism caused by this intrusion on the conjunctiva and cornea is the main reason patients prefer treating this condition sooner than later. Other problem that entropian involves are eye infections, scarring and even a weakening of vision.

Entropian can be aided by a cosmetic eyelid surgery procedure like transconjunctival blepharoplasty or transcutaneous blepharoplasty. These procedures tighten the lower lid of the eyes causing the tissue to stay firm.

Plastic surgeons can also perform a lateral canthoplasty procedure which allows the surgeon to tighten the lid horizontally. The procedure is not one that can be repeated and doctors prefer performing it on older patients. This makes canthoplasty an ideal procedure to treat entropian.

You can visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California at any of our offices in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Orange County and Pasadena for eyelid surgery procedures to correct entropian. Alternatively you can visit us online to schedule a consultation with some of the best professionals of plastic surgery.

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