Friday, July 18, 2008

When Evading Tax Have Eyelid Surgery

That's what Gwynneth Lester, a British resident has done.

The cheeky Portsmouth resident owes the Gosport Borough Council £1,200 and now refuses to pay the amount citing her £6,000 worth of cosmetic surgery procedures as the reason she is unable to pay.

Lester had an eyelid surgery to lift her upper lids and a breast augmentation and lift to take care of her saggy breasts. Two cosmetic procedures that are well liked by individuals of her age (59), having them despite her money problems brings no regret or remorse for the woman.

Gwynneth vehemently declared, "I'm not going to pay the money, I couldn't anyway I've just spent more than £6,000 on some cosmetic improvements and I don't have any money now.

Now I understand that women love looking good, especially 59-year-old women, but using your tax money to fund your eyelid surgery procedure and then going underground is a little too desperate in my opinion.

Thankfully, you won't have to worry too much about your finances for an eyelid surgery in California. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, we can help you work out your finances for your blepharoplasty.

Whether you want to have an eyelid surgery in Los Angeles or any other cosmetic surgery, experienced consultants at our advanced surgical institute can help you - without you needing to go underground!

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