Friday, July 18, 2008

Emmy Nominee Kyra Sedgwick On Eyes & Beauty

When she was 28, an agent had informed Kyra Sedgwick that she was too old.

Today, the youngest Emmy nominee for lead actress in a drama series (The Closer), Kyra is a mellowed and dreamy 42-year-old. The mother of two is absolutely secure with her aging body and claims that she is well past the Hollywood obsession with youth, adding that it has been put to rest by the industry as well.

Kyra says, "I just think that we're tired of seeing just these young bodies and young people."

But women, however at ease and confident they may be, have a tendency to give in to momentary insecurity where looks are concerned. It happens to the best of them and Kyra is no exception.

Regardless of the other changes in her body she is finding pleasing as the years go by, her eyelids are one aspect of her face Kyra is finding hard to deal with.

There is a chance she might be considering a cosmetic procedure like eyelid surgery if its gets tougher, which is not a bad idea. Many women in this age group get a blepharoplasty to take care of crinkles at the corner of the eyes and saggy skin.

Kyra herself admits that she is a big believer in "whatever makes you feel better" making us wonder if she will get plastic surgery work done after all. After all, she still has a long way to go until she reaches the likes of Dame Judi Dench.

Get your eyelid surgery procedure consultation at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

1 comment:

David said...

Oh, come on. She had new boobs installed about five years ago, or so. The woman used to have matching mosquito bites.