Sunday, April 20, 2008

Taking Care of You After Eyelid Surgery:

Plastic surgery sure does have a lot of hype surrounding it. A first consultation usually has doctors answering patient questions like- ‘Will the procedure be completed in twenty minutes?’, ‘Will I have a nurse 24/7?’, ‘Can you make me look like Brad Pitt or Jennifer Aniston?’ and more.

While you may not look like Jennifer Aniston or have a nurse at your beck while you are recuperating from a cosmetic eyelid surgery, it shouldn’t be a reason for disappointment. If the surgeon you have selected is as good as his credentials, than chances are he has already discussed the after effects of a blepharopalsty with you.

Post surgery depression is part of the bargain in most surgery cases. Whether it is a reconstructive surgery like chin augmentation or whether it may be a surgery to enhance your eyes or breasts- scars, swellings, blotches, etc. are to be expected and can be dealt with effectively. Sometimes more than one cosmetic surgery is necessary to correct certain disfigurations.

However, consult your plastic surgeon about improvement chances before going ahead with any further surgeries. Dealing with your immediate environment, exercise, diet, etc. are factors that need to be taken into account as well. For instance, doctors’ advice patients to keep the head elevated after an eyelid surgery and a facelift; while full exercise is suggested to be resumed only 4- 6 weeks after a calf augmentation surgery.

Each individual reacts to pain in a different way. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, our doctors evaluate each patient personally and provide accurate diagnosis for any further surgeries you might want. You can contact us for any queries.

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