Thursday, March 27, 2008

Weird Body Modifications – Eyelid Piercing:

Oh yes, it has been done. I can’t think of even one part of the body that has been left un-pierced or modified by body modification enthusiasts. Even the cornea can be implanted with jewellery apparently.

Somehow, I find tattooists and body modifier artists working around similar principles as plastic surgeons. Both the groups are artists and work on making the human body something better to look at and live with. Both professions involve body modification in some way or another with the main difference being a medical certification required to perform a cosmetic surgery.

Plastic surgeons fall into the certified category, at least the professional ones do. Eyelid surgery in plastic surgery terms is a procedure to enhance the upper or lower eyelid or both. The underlying eyelid muscles are manipulated by the cosmetic surgeon in order to give the patient a more alert and younger look around the eyes.

Certain eyelid surgery procedures also involve corrective techniques which are applied to address conditions like entropian, ectropian and drooping brows. Eyelid surgery might seem like a harmless procedure, but it is not. One of the most delicate areas in the human body, operating in the eye can involve a certain amount of risk. The same goes for any modifications done in the eye region.

Visit the advanced surgical institute, the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for a complete diagnosis and advice on eyelid surgery today.

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