Monday, June 9, 2008

Your Eyelid Implant Options – Weigh Them Carefully

Last month I had posted in a brief about gold weight eyelid implants. Here’s a follow up on some more options out there for a patient who’s thinking of a reconstructive eyelid surgery.

Eyelid implants are actually ophthalmic surgical devices and have been proven to benefit individuals suffering from facial nerve palsy (the effects drift to the eyes in some cases). Certain debilitating eyelid conditions like ocular exposure associated with Bell’s palsy and ptosis too find relief with the use of eyelid implants in a corrective blepharoplasty.

Besides gold weight eyelid implants, platinum eyelid implants too are effective options for the patient especially for those sensitive to gold. The density of platinum being 11 percent higher than gold, the patient’s eyes can achieve a smaller implant profile.

Cost-wise, platinum eyelid implants are obviously the more expensive option as compared to gold. But if the eyelid surgery doctor feels platinum will benefit you better take his advice.

Ophthalmologists and plastic surgeons are known to make use of ePTFE which is actually expanded Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene in cases of severe ptosis and a weak levator muscle (found in the upper eyelid).

Tantalum, a lustrous and highly corrosion-resistant metal, is also used for treating lagophthalmos caused due to temporary facial paralysis or Bell’s palsy. Tantalum implants are external however and provide the patient with a satisfying non-invasive option.

I am still on the lookout for more implants used for corrective eyelid surgery procedures and shall keep updating this space as I come across them. For an appointment with us you can drop by the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

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