Monday, May 26, 2008

An Overenthusiastic Approach To Eyelid Surgery : Results

The great thing about eyelid surgery is the way in which the eyes are supposed to look alert and make you look younger, etc.

So why hasn’t it worked for Donatella?

Accepted that her look at Maddona’s movie premier for her documentary on Malawi was a complete albeit pleasant surprise, but the face spoils it all.

One of the many plastic surgery jobs she is said to have had done on her face is an eyelid surgery. But in itself, Donatella’s blepharoplasty doesn’t look all that bad.

What makes it look bad is the accompanying face surgeries she is believed to have had. Her collagen heavy lips and enhanced nose give the viewer the impression that the plastic surgeon distributed his attention rather haphazardly to her face.

If eyelid surgery becomes part of a face lift surgery procedure, then you better make sure that you have a doctor who understands the dynamics of the human face properly performing on your face. The various features that need to be restructured or altered during a composite plastic surgery procedure have to be done so only by an expert.

Indeed, an expert cosmetic surgeon is the best person to trust to get the job done right.

From the looks of Donatella’s overdone face, the cause of her jumbled features is either a plastic surgeon who doesn’t know his job properly or an overenthusiastic Donatella who decided to go all out!

For a much better eyelid surgery job get in touch with the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

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