Friday, April 25, 2008

Bad Eyelid Surgery California Decision – Judging Surgeons By Their Looks:

This is where scores of patients go wrong.

A patient in need of some cosmetic skin treatments went to a plastic surgeon and had an eyelid surgery California thrown in even though she did not require one. The plastic surgeon turned out to be an Australian doctor who was banned from performing cosmetic surgery due to professional misconduct.

The patient, needless to say, is currently suffering for her lack of judgment and is having trouble seeing. When I read the related article in the Herald Sun I was shocked to discover that the patient fell for the discount trap as well and had a blepharoplasty Beverly Hills because she found the doctor attractive!

In a profession like plastic surgery, where beauty and cultivating a groomed appearance is continually impressed upon, it may seem natural to think that the cosmetic surgeon that looks good is the one you should go to.

Cases like the one mentioned above are stark reminders to an eyelid surgery Los Angeles patient of the need to hold a contrary view. Exercising caution when digging up credentials on your selected plastic surgeon is mandatory in order to get satisfactory results.

Like all operations, plastic surgery too comes without fixed guarantees and assurances. Even if your plastic surgeon appears in TV shows and has a star list of clients, he will still be susceptible to some uncontrollable error. By selecting an authorized practitioner of cosmetic eyelid surgery Pasadena, you are safeguarding yourself from the error of a bad decision and ensuring that you have taken maximum precaution against any risk.

Discussing the procedure with your surgeon helps both parties understand each other properly and smoothens out the surgery process. You can visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for further advice. We provide unbiased consultations as affiliated members of the ASPS.

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